Magical Benefits of Consuming Saffron Milk

Saffron also popularly called ‘kesar’ in India is one of the most expensive spices. In olden times queens would bathe in kesar infused milk...

Health Benefits of Kissing

Most of the people have a misconception that Kiss is just a sign of showing love towards our partners you would be surprised to...

What You Really Need to Know About Coronavirus

The coronavirus outbreak that originated in Wuhan, China has spread to at least 65 countries and has sickened more than 89,000 people, with more...

Tips to Avoid Sexually Transmitted Disease (STD)

Sex is a beautiful and the most unusual feeling of pleasure and bond. There is no harm in having a sexual relationship but be...

What is Hantavirus and How it is Different from Coronavirus

While the world is still dealing with the havoc created by a novel coronavirus, another virus has appeared in China. A man in the...

Things You Must Know About Thalassemia

World Thalassemia Day is celebrated every year on 8th of May to spread the awareness about this problem amongst common people. The day was...

Malaysia Detects New Covid-19 Strain!

Malaysia has detected a strain of the new coronavirus that is found to be 10 times more infectious. The mutation was earlier seen in...

Surprising Revelation about Green Tea

In the past few years, green tea has become one of the most popular drink and even tea lovers have switched to this healthy...

Benefits of Drinking Water Eearly Morning

Our grandparents were surely more active than us during their 20’s and thirties reason being a healthy and nutritious diet minus harmful chemicals. But...

Why Should You Pay Attention to Your Vitamin D Levels?

With winters approaching, you might have been hearing a lot about how vitamin D levels rise and fall, all through the winters. Doctors often...

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Health Benefits of Cinnamon

In early times cinnamon was precious than gold and was  used as a medicine in traditional Ayurveda. Its benefits are associated with digestion,  gastric...

The Good Effects of Wine – National Sangria Day

Grover Zampa Vineyards is taking an initiative to celebrate National Sangria Day in India, a festival that is otherwise celebrated annually in the United...

Magical Benefits of Lavender Oil!

Derived from Lavandula angustifolia, oil promotes relaxation and is  believed to treat anxiety, fungal infections, allergies, depression, insomnia, eczema, nausea, and menstrual cramps. It...

Should You Add Coconut Oil to Your Morning Coffee?

Many diet trends are introduced every year and  and the most recent one is  adding coconut oil in coffee. Many people are advised to...

Signs That Show You Are in a Perfect Shape

Working out not always gives you the result you want as the doors for improvement are always open. However to know whether you are...