Importance of Morning Walk

The best and easiest way to stay fit is to go on a morning walk. Though walking itself has various benefits and morning time...

5 Best Ways to Burn Calories Without Hitting The Gym

In today’s time the major cause of people being overweight is the sedentary lifestyle that we all have adopted. The gadget freak World has...

Green Gram: A Superfood for Weight Loss

Moong Dal is India’s most loved Dal. Known as split yellow bean as well is a storehouse of health benefits as its loaded with ...

Covid-19 Second Wave: Ways to Stay Active

India is currently witnessing a surge in COVID-19 cases with over 2 million people being infected by the virus. The government has imposed restrictions...

Things Every Girl Does in the Gym

There are many girls who go to gym and almost everyone has something in common that they are often spotted doing. Whether it’s weird...

Reasons Why Couples Must Work Out Together

We all know the benefits of working out, but do you know benefits of having a workout buddy? They are motivating. And when you...

Reasons To Start Running

Running is one of the best butt-kicking, calorie-blasting workouts around. It can and should be a staple in your health and wellness regime as it...

Ways to Stick to Your Diet on Vacation

Check out some ways to stick to your diet while on vacation : Starting a fitness regime especially dieting is very easy but holding onto...

Height Increasing Exercises For Teenagers

Tall and handsome is a famous phrase and undoubtedly height adds to the personality of an individual which is why   teenagers these days want...

No Diet and Exercise, we Need Better Cities to Stay Fit

In  places around the globe where people live the longest, they don’t pursue health but live longer because of the right environment. There...

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How Yoga can Help Breast Cancer Survivors

Battle against cancer takes more than just physical strength. Having friends and family around keeps you motivated to fight it off but the only...

Exercises that Work the Major Muscle Groups

Performing exercises for each muscle group is not as beneficial as adding compound movements to your workout. These exercises help you train more than...
sourdough bread starter

Convincing Reasons to Switch to Sourdough Bread

There was a point during lockdown when almost everyone was trying their hands at baking. After banana bread, sourdough bread was the most popular...
Health Benefits of Broccoli

Health Benefits of Broccoli

A cup of broccoli has many nutrients you require for the day. It is a superfood and one of the healthiest cruciferous vegetables, which...

Gaming Disorder is now a mental condition!

Gaming disorder is now classified as a mental condition by WHO: Parents often hate when their kids stick to the computer screen to play video...