Feeling Tired? These Superfoods Fight Fatigue

We all have those days when work pressure is high and you are getting exhausted. Fatigue is the feeling when one feels tired, weak,...

9 Reasons You Must Add Fiber to Your Diet

With the coming in of junk foods and protein based diets, one main part of our diets has been ignored: Fiber. The FDA recommends...

Top Winter Detox Super Foods!

Winter equals laziness and with the festivals right around the corner, it is a season where you feel like relaxing and eating lots of...

Go Off Gluten For a Great Body

Over the past few years information about gluten and its side-effects have been on the rise. This has triggered several changes in the diet...

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Healthy Substitutes for White Sugar

A meal is incomplete without having a good dessert but these desserts contain white sugar which is not healthy and can lead to increase...

How to Keep Yourself Active During Quarantine

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We all know about a girl’s menstruation cycle but do you have an idea about Pmsing? It is the phase when a lady does...
Source Livestrong

Importance of Morning Walk

The best and easiest way to stay fit is to go on a morning walk. Though walking itself has various benefits and morning time...
Navratra Thali

How to fast healthy during Navratri

Navratri has begun and these nine days are considered to be very auspicious in a Hindu household. While many people abstain from non-vegetarian food...