Keto Diet Myths you should Stop Believing

The keto diet is gaining a lot of attention among the fitness people. Keto diet or Ketogenic diet is high in fat and low...

Ways To Get Rid Of Love Handles

There isn't much to love about love handles as they are an alternative name for the extra fat that sits at the sides of...

What’s the best time to workout?

The time of the day when you workout is important as time impacts on the health. We may think we can exercise whenever we...

5 Best Summer Detox Waters to Lose Fat

Summers are the perfect time to reduce weight because; in summers we eat less and sweat more. But this season demands a proper diet,...

Things Fat People are Tired of Hearing

God has made everyone the same but due to many reasons, our body shape differs from each other. No matter what we should always...

Portion Control Tips to Lose Weight

Losing weight is a difficult task only if not done in a right way if . Keeping a check on what you eat is...

Best Teas for Effective Weight Loss

Tea is one beverage that is enjoyed all over the world. Drinking tea has been known for several health benefits, including protecting cells from...

Tips slim women follow to avoid getting fat

Whenever we see a slim woman we always wonder whats behind her sexy figure.  Even we have a couple of slim and fit girls...

How to fast healthy during Navratri

Navratri has begun and these nine days are considered to be very auspicious in a Hindu household. While many people abstain from non-vegetarian food...

What You Should Know Before Trying a Ketogenic Diet

The wondrous Ketogenic diet helps to shed oodles of kilos and for those who follow it regularly and with commitments, they seriously cannot stop...

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