Office chair exercises to reverse sleepiness

A 9 to 5 job can challenge you professionally and physically as sometimes  days become very hectic and can affect the wellness. We understand...

Twinkle Khanna Compares Keto Diet to an Animal

Keto Diet is being followed by both celebrities and common people to lose weight and the results too are amazing. Though it gives good...

Things You Must Keep in Mind Before Dating a Fitness Freak

Almost every girl dreams of dating a man who is strong and has a good body but, along with that you must also know...

Thoughts You Have While Running on a Treadmill

Treadmill is one of the most important parts of the workout as almost every person who wants to stay fit does it. But this...

Thoughts We Get When on Diet

Most of us love food but on  the other side we all want to be in shape too so we try many things to...

Benefits of an Online Health Coach

Our generation is time-bound and does not have time to think and ponder over daily habits. With the growth of the internet, influencers and...

Benefits and Risks of HIIT Training

High- Intensity Interval Training is becoming increasingly popular amongst fitness enthusiasts and people who are trying to find a regime that will help them...

No Diet and Exercise, we Need Better Cities to Stay Fit

In  places around the globe where people live the longest, they don’t pursue health but live longer because of the right environment. There...

How to Deal with Weight Gain During Menopause

Menopause is a difficult time for women as they have to deal with many changes and fluctuating hormone levels. Along with irregular menstrual cycle...

5 Best Ways to Burn Calories Without Hitting The Gym

In today’s time the major cause of people being overweight is the sedentary lifestyle that we all have adopted. The gadget freak World has...

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Interesting Reasons you Must Have Soups

Soup is quick and easy comfort food, especially in winters.There is nothing like a hot bowl of soup to warm you up on a...

Ways to be Kind to Yourself 

In case you think that everyone should be kind and sweet to you, then you need to start with yourself. Being kind to yourself...
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Benefits of Swimming

Swimming is quite popular worldwide because it's a great way to keep fit, stay healthy and make friends. From toning your core to speeding...
Bani J’s Insta is a true motivation for every fitness freak

Proved: Bani J is a Fitness Freak!

Bani J is one of those popular stars who gained name and fame in the industry within a very short period of time. Though...
kickboxing tips beginners

Tips to Starting Your First Kickboxing Class

It is a good thing to convert all the negative emotions into something and what is better than getting a quick workout out of...