Do You Want to Eat Bernie Sanders Salad?

Every other day there is a new meme that takes over the internet and keeps us entertained. Bernie Sanders meme fest was the

Source Health Total

Symptoms of PCOD

These days PCOD (polycystic ovary disease) is a very common problem among women which occurs due to hormonal imbalance

Woman sleeping/pixabay

Best Ways to Treat Insomnia

Do you find it difficult to fall asleep? Or do you wake up in the middle of the night and stay awake for hours? If yes then 

Study: Poor Gut Health Can Cause Complications of Covid-19

It’s been one year that we are daily hearing anything new about coronavirus. First, we heard about its effect on the

New Covid-19 Strain: People Who are at Most Risk of Infection 

The discovery of the new coronavirus strain has put the world into tension. From lockdowns, and worries over vaccines effective

India Successfully Cultured the UK Covid Strain 

As per the latest reports, India has successfully cultured the new coronavirus strain, that originated in the UK. In a tweet,

Reasons why it’s bad to be a tea lover

Side Effects of Tea

In India, a large chunk of people are obsessed with tea. Their morning starts with a cup of tea and ends with it. Though

Super Gonorrhea Might be Spreading Rapidly Due to Covid-19 

 We have seen many worst things happening this year, that we can’t have more. Whether it was Australian bushfires or the

Best tips to take care of your Mental Health in Christmas

Tips to Take Care of your Mental Health

Though Festivals is the time of fun, celebration, parties, and happiness but this is not the same for everyone. Many people

A new mutant Coronavirus new strain is here!

The SARS-CoV-2 new strain was found in the UK and it has been constantly mutating. Many countries have now canceled flights