Unknown Health Benefits of Dalia

Porridge or Dalia is one of the healthiest options for breakfast. Made with broken wheat it is loaded with nutrients and is helpful in weight loss as its high in fiber. It is rich in vitamin B1, B5, B6, vitamin E, calcium, magnesium, zinc so we list down some of its health benefits

  • Help lose weight 

Eating one bowl of Dalia helps lose weight as it is low in calories. It is also loaded with fiber that keeps you satiated for long which controls excess eating. One bowl of Dalia with milk has around 220 calories only. 

  • Relieves constipation 

Many people suffer from constipation and some even go through it every day so to get rid of it you can eat one bowl of milk daliya daily. The high level of fiber in it helps relieve constipation.

  • Good source of energy 

Dalia is a great source of energy as it is full of nutrients and helps boost the energy of the body. After having porridge for breakfast a person feels full of energy for a long period. 

  • Builds muscle mass

Dalia can help you get a six-pack as the high content of protein, vitamins, and minerals helps in recovery after a workout. 

  • Helps to prevent inflammation in the body 

Dalia has anti-inflammatory properties which help to prevent the problem of inflammation in the body and also keeps the skin healthy.