Easy ways to burn 100 calories daily

Burning 100 calories doesn’t require a long exercise or gym session. There are few ways you can end up losing those unwanted

Why is too much Green Tea Harmful? 

Anything in excess is bad and so is green tea.It is good for health only if consumed in moderation. It contains caffeine

Best tips to lose weight during winters

Best tips to Lose Weight During Winters

Winters are equal to sluggishness, and a super lazy life. Everything gets slower and somewhere down the line we all end up

Rice or Roti: Which is healthier for weight loss?

Rice or Roti which is a healthy choice? The two main staples of our Indian diet is rice and chapattis. These two complete

How to Ace Vrischikasana

Vrischikasana is an advanced yoga asana which means Scorpion as it resembles a striking scorpion. Scorpion pose pushes