Source Mobiefit

Skinny fat is a sign of dementia!

Check out the study results based on “Skinny fat” A study has been revealed that adults who are “Skinny Fat”

Gaming Disorder is now a mental condition!

Gaming disorder is now classified as a mental condition by WHO: Parents often hate when their kids stick to the computer

Health Benefits of Baby Corn

Did you know baby corn is one of the healthiest vegetables that can be used in salads and stir fries? It is largely used

Irrfan Khan’s message on life breaks our heart!

Check out what Irrfan Khan has to say about his battle with cancer: A few months back Bollywood actor Irrfan Khan revealed

Source: Reboot With Joe

Amazing Benefits of Ginger Milk

Ginger is an herbal plant that has a lot of benefits for body and provides anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial properties

Surprising Benefits of Organic Milk

Organic milk is the milk raised according to organic farming methods. The milk  must come from a cow that has not been given

Healthy Vegetable Juices for Summers

As summers reach the peak, the temperatures are almost touching new records. And hydration is  the key to stay healthy and

Deadly Nipah Virus Claims Victims in Kerala

Check out what is Nipah Virus: Nipah virus is a new emerging Zoonosis that causes serious disease in both animals and humans.

World Liver Day

World Liver Day 2018: Ways to prevent liver disease

Liver is the second largest organ in the body and the second most complex organ too.  The liver performs many important

Office chair exercises to reverse sleepiness

A 9 to 5 job can challenge you professionally and physically as sometimes  days become very hectic and can affect the wellness.