How to Get Perfect Beachwear Body 

 If you are thinking of planning a vacay at a sun-kissed destination to relax and soak up the sun, you would want to look your best. Toned legs and upper arms, a slim waist makes you look the best in beachwear, but achieving it is not an easy task. For this you need to get in shape and here are some tips to get the perfect body you can flaunt at the beach: 

  • Have a healthy breakfast and lunch

If you are trying to lose weight then it’s best to consume a majority of your calories before 3 p.m. so plan your meals accordingly, keep your dinner light and try to eat heavy around noon and early afternoon. 

  • Morning workout 

When you work out in the morning it gives a great boost to your metabolism and it keeps burning extra calories throughout the rest of the day. This will help you lose weight quickly. 

  • Full body workout 

If you want to achieve a bikini body then you must focus on the entire body workout. While working your core is important but it is not the only area of your body you’ll show off in a bikini. So go for a complete body workout. 

  • Diet changes 

Few simple and easy diet changes can give you your swimsuit season goals. Cut down on processed foods, control your calorie consumption, intake protein, eat green and leafy vegetables, and do portion control. Substantial benefits can come from cutting way back on refined carbohydrates: white bread, white pasta, white rice, and, of course, sugar.

  • Fill Up on Protein

Foods that are high in protein or fiber can actually help slow the digestive process. The result is that your stomach feels full longer

  • Practice push-ups and squats 

To help get your body bikini-ready, try pushups, biceps, triceps, deltoids, pecs, abs, and glutes, and squats to get  in shape. 

  • Drink tea

Ditch the potentially bloat-inducing carbonated drinks and switch to tea. Consume ginger and lemon tea. 

  • Stay hydrated 

Drinking water 15 minutes before your meals can help in weight loss and in burning calories as well. It will also give you glowing and clear skin.

  • Get enough sleep

Get a good 7-8 hours of sleep daily. The more tired you feel, the stronger those cravings are because your body is literally trying to get more energy.



  • A high-fiber diet may help your tummy look flatter.
  • Limit salt intake as the issue is actually water retention, which is directly connected with salt intake.
  • Shop for your shape.