Office chair exercises to reverse sleepiness

A 9 to 5 job can challenge you professionally and physically as sometimes  days become very hectic and can affect the wellness.

Eating Like A ‘Snake’ Can Help You Lose Weight

Here is all about bizarre weight loss fad: These days people are getting worried about their health and are looking out for

Keto Diet

What You Should Know Before Trying a Ketogenic Diet

The wondrous Ketogenic diet helps to shed oodles of kilos and for those who follow it regularly and with commitments, they

For a low-intensity Cardio

What to Eat Before a Cardio Workout

Cardio consists of many exercises patterns that range from high-intensity workouts to the low ones. The eating pattern simultaneously

Doing Sattvic activities

New Year Resolutions to your ultimate happiness

There are many home remedies and tasks we perform in our lives to be happy. It is truly the small things that count and make

Kim Kardashian

Kim Kardashian’s Strict Diet and Exercise Plan

Kim Kardashian’s trainer and her strict diet and exercise plans The Kardashian family works out a lot.  Her fans know

Fad or Fab? Office Chair Workout

Sitting and working continuously for 9 to 8 hours in the office is not an easy task. and it leads to a stiff body. These

Spiritual Training

How Physical Exercise Helps Attain Spiritual Training

Physical exercises do not only imply fitness of the body or perfect outer appearance. Keeping yourself motivated for physical

faster hair growth

Yoga Asanas That Promote Faster Hair Growth

Yoga helps to increase the blood and oxygen flow in the scalp and even nourishes your dry hair. It is not only good for the

Exercises for Toned Arms

Best Exercises For Toned Arms

There are many exercises for a perfect body and to maintain health and shape. Often most women have one common problem area