Food Items to Treat Muscle Cramps

muscle cramps in legs

We all experience muscle cramps. The reason may vary for everyone from pushing too hard in the gym to dehydration or even menstruation. In any case, cramps can be difficult to deal with and might get in the way of your day ahead.

Massage and oiling can help relax cramped muscles but you can also get relief from consuming certain food items as they help with easing the cramps. Food items that contain electrolytes can help the muscles relax and return to normal functioning.

If you are looking for food items  that will help you with cramps, here is a list that you can refer to.

Sweet Potato

Sweet potatoes contain potassium, magnesium, and calcium which can help with cramps. It also contains water which can hydrate your muscles too.


Not only healthy fat, but avocados are also rich in potassium which is an electrolyte that plays important role in muscle functioning. It can also help prevent cramps altogether.


Legumes including beans have magnesium and consuming them in sufficient quantity can help ease cramps.


Watermelon has a sufficient amount of water so if the reason behind severe cramps is dehydration them consuming watermelon is recommended.

Pickle juice

It may sound a little new but pickle juice contains water and sodium which has helped many athletes recover from cramps.

Make sure you consume everything in appropriate quantities and give your body some rest and time so that your muscles can relax.