Source IndiaMART

Reasons To Use Magic Spice Garam Masala

No doubt kitchen spices add flavor to our food but they are also known for their ability to fight many health issues. Right

Source diet doctor

Keto-friendly Meal Ideas!

Do you restrict yourself from going out while on Keto Diet? Well then its time to plan a romantic dinner or hang out with

Source Krishiveda

Reason Everyone Must Eat Ghee Daily

Most of the people have a misconception that ghee is unhealthy and causes weight gain so it must be avoided. But as per

Lemon water

Benefits of Lemon water

Lemon is a citrus fruit that is known for its refreshing flavor and scent that makes it a popular choice of flavoring many

Chaat Recipes that can be a Part of Your Weight-Loss Diet

Chaat is one of the most-loved street food in India and people love to treat themselves to one, every once in a while. 

Source Allergy & Air

Foods that Trigger Migraine Pain

Migraine is one of the painful forms of a headache and sometimes can even cause nausea and dizziness . There are many factors

How Much Coffee Should You Really Have in a Day?

Coffee is the go-to beverage for many people and some can’t even begin their morning without it. Recognized as one

Foods that increase body temperature

Food has a direct impact on our body for example the ones rich in fat, protein, and carbohydrates often heat up the body.

Never Eat These For Breakfast

It is said that breakfast is the most important meal of the day. However, you need to make the right choice for breakfast

Benefits of Low Sodium Diet

It is important to pay attention to what you are eating, especially when you have certain health conditions that could restrict