Foods That Can Induce Menstruation 

Many women suffer from irregular periods because of their current lifestyle and  irregularities in the menstrual cycle can

Source youtube

Food to Eat and Avoid in Chickenpox

Chickenpox is highly contagious infection caused by the varicella-zoster virus. It takes around ten to fifteen days to recover

Source Hindustan Times

Remedies for Low Blood Pressure

Your blood pressure naturally changes throughout the day and your body keeps adjusting and balancing it. Many people talk

Source The Economic Times

Fruits That Are Good for Diabetic Patients

Diabetes is becoming a common problem these days and it affects over 425 million people worldwide. It is a condition marked

Source hindustan times

Healthy Dessert Options For Fitness Freaks

When you start healthy eating the first things that you are asked to avoid is deserts and sweets. Giving up on sweet treats

Reasons Guava is Great for Weight Loss

Winters are here and so are  the seasonal vegetables and fruits and one of the most famous winter fruit is guava. .  Eating

Covid-19 is Airbrone: Ways to Stay Safe 

Seems like our worst nightmare is about to get true. A few days back some scientists from around the globe made a revelation

Amazing Benefits of an Afternoon Nap 

Afternoon naps are just wonderful! A 15-minute or half an hour nap can make you energetic again, especially after lunch.

Source healthline

Incredible Health Benefits of Ashwagandha for Women 

Ashwagandha is also known as “Indian ginseng” or “Indian winter cherry,”. It is an ancient medicinal herb and provides

Source firstcry

How to Make Hands Softer

Are your hands extremely dry and rough? And you are afraid to shake hands with people? Drying chapping and skin’s response